Adrenal Support IV

Adrenal Support IV

Most people already know that high levels of stress are unhealthy, however, the long-term effects may be even more damaging than you think. In today’s day in age, our stress levels are so high that they commonly impact our overall wellbeing and energy levels. In fact, demanding jobs, long-term relationship struggles, and other negative situations can cause too much stress for the body to handle, resulting in physical and behavioral symptoms known as adrenal fatigue. Some of the most common symptoms include Mental Symptoms such as Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia. There are also Physical Symptoms such as Weight gain, Hair loss, and Sexual dysfunction

How Does the Adrenal Support Work?

When you are suffering from adrenal fatigue your body burns through nutrients at an increased rate. Therefore, it is important to replace these nutrients by increasing your intake of certain vitamins and minerals. A vital nutrient for many bodily functions, vitamin C is used by the body to produce cortisol and regulate hormones, so increasing your intake is beneficial for relieving symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Meanwhile, vitamin B plays a vital role in energy production, mood regulation, and adrenal function.

In terms of minerals, zinc regulates cortisol levels, while protecting cells from free radical damage caused by toxins as well as improving immune function. Additionally, we recommend magnesium to treat adrenal fatigue since the mineral fights inflammation, increases energy levels in the body, reduces stress, and improves sleep. Due to poor nutrition may people are deficient in magnesium due to the consumption of processed foods, thus further exacerbating symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Nutrient IV Therapy involves using an IV to bypass the digestive system, so the vitamins and minerals can go directly to your cells. This allows the nutrients to quickly and fully absorb into the body to quickly treat adrenal fatigue.


Anxiety statistics worldwide show that anxiety disorders are common across the globe. According to the World Health Organization, 3.6 percent — or about 264 million individuals worldwide — have an anxiety disorder. Additionally, 4.6 percent of females and 2.6 percent of males globally are affected by anxiety.


Insomnia is defined as the subjective perception of difficulty with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation, or quality, which occurs despite adequate opportunity for sleep, and results in some form of daytime impairment. Chronic insomnia is diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, and the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, which have similar criteria for making the diagnosis. These criteria specify that symptoms must cause clinically significant functional distress or impairment, be present for at least 3 nights/week for at least 3 months, and not be linked to other sleep, medical, or mental disorders. Various studies worldwide have shown the prevalence of insomnia in 10%–30% of the population, some even as high as 50%–60%. It is common in older adults, females, and people with medical and mental ill health. The consequences of insomnia are significant, such as depression, impaired work performance, work-related/motor vehicle accidents, and overall poor quality of life. It is an easy-to-diagnose condition with many self-answerable questionnaires for aid, yet goes unrecognized in a significant number of patients coming to the outpatient department with other comorbid conditions.

Weight gain

Adrenal fatigue is a process during which the body releases cortisol, a hormone that helps regulate sugars and fats, and some studies have shown that adrenal fatigue and cortisol play a role in a vicious cycle of weight gain.

Hair Loss

Adrenal fatigue causes hair loss due to problems with the production of the two hormones linked to hair loss, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Adrenal fatigue can lead to problems with processing DHEA and testosterone, which may lead to hair loss in men and women. In other words, adrenal fatigue disrupts the hormones, leading to hormonal imbalances, which can manifest as hair loss.

Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction can be any problems that prevent a person or couple from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity. Some 43% of women and 31% of men report some degree of sexual dysfunction